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- Efficient Teams A coding competition is being organized on the HackerRank platform. The participants need to be grouped into teams where each team has exactly two candidates. There arencandidates, where each candidate has a skill denoted by skill[i]. A total of (n/2)teams are to be formed, such that the total skill of each team is the same. The efficiency of a team is defined as the product of the skill levels of its two members, i.e., for the-skills [1, 3], the efficiency of the team is13=3. Find the sum of efficiencies of all teams that can be formed satisfying the criteria. If there is no way to create teams that satisfy the conditions, return1. Note: It can be shown that the answer is always unique. Example The skills of the candidates are skill=[1,2,3,2]. They can be paired as [[1, 3], [2, 2]]. The sum of skills for each team is the same, l.e.,4.The efficiency is computed as: - Efficiency of[1,3]=13=3- Efficiency of[2,2]=22=4Return the sum of efficiencies,3+4=7. Function Description Complete the function getTotalEfficiency in the editor below. getTotalEfficiency has the followino naramatam. Function Desaription Complete the function getTotalEfificiengy in the editor below. getTotalEfficiency has the following parameter: int skill[n]: the skill of each candidate Returns long int: the sum of the efficiencies Constraints1n10 5-1skilli0m10 5-nis even. - It is guaranteed that the answer is unique. Input Format For Custom Testing - Sample Case 0 Sample Input For Custom Testing Sample output 13 Explanation Form teams as[1,5],[4,2]. The sums of each pair are 6 . Returns long int: the sum of the efficiencies Constraints -1n10 5-1skili[]10 5-nis even. - It is guaranteed that the answer is unique. Input Format For Custom Testing Vample Case 0 Sample Input For Custom Testing STDIN 45421 FUNCTION skill[] size, n skill =[5,4,Sample Output 13 Explanation Form teams as[11,5],[4,2]. The sums of each pair are6.The efficiency is computed as: - Efficiency of[1,5]=15=5- Efficiency of[4,2]=42=8Sample Case 1 # Complete the 'getTotalefficiency' function below. # # The function is expected to return a LONG_INTEGER. # The function accepts INTEGER_ARRAY skill as parameter. # 8 def getTotalefficiency(skill): 19 # Write your code here21>if __name=='__main__'20